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Wagons Ho!

Oregon Trail Webquest

Please watch video and complete Task below
Oregon Trail by Alex and Mallorie


In this WebQuest, your task will be to create a digital guide to the Oregon Trail.  As teams you will read stories, books, and accounts from those who joined the wagon trains in order to research the history of the Oregon Trail,  Your choices may include non-fiction sources and  fictional books that takes you back in time with those who were traveling the Oregon Trail. As you read about the journey, virtual time travel between then and now will give you great insight into the impact of current technology, medicine, science, math, and various inventions  that have improved traveling today.   


You will have the opportunity travel back in time to experience the Oregon Trail with pioneers and compare the challenges of traveling long ago with a modern journey across the same territory. As you compare travel then and now, you will produce a digital guide for a journey across the Oregon Trail.  You will use the digital guide to describe a journey on the Oregon Trail in the 1830s and compare this with a trip across the same territory today. As part of this process, you will consider the recommendations you would make to a group of pioneers preparing for a journey on the Oregon Trail.


(Your digital guide may be designed using your choice of presentation or video creation tools, including Google Slides, Microsoft Sway, Powerpoint, MovieMaker, Adobe Voice, and more.  Your teacher must approve your choice of end product for your digital guide.)


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